Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Never a dull day

June 6, 2007
Most days dad can not get to a sitting position nor can he walk more than a few steps without falling. I left my alarm clock (cell phone) downstairs in just being lazy last night, got up at 8ish this morning came down the steps and to my shock and I mean shock, my father is in his wheelchair buckassed naked! Amazed, I ask him how the hell he got in his chair? Regardless the answer which is obvious, he said he had to pee, figured out the bars on the side of his bed, got up to a sitting position, walked a few steps to his wheelchair (naked) sat down, changed his shirt (correctly), put his wet shirt in the hamper and wheeled himself out the door to the dinning room!
It's lunchtime and I sit watching my dad and think to myself, "the more you do, the more you take away". I try and inspire and motivate and help but helping should be a synonym for hinder as I struggle with both. I am a daughter, mother and wife, with each comes different responsibilities and lessons. The daughter part is very confusing at times because they are still my parents and to take on a different role is not always fun. What I have realized you don't have to like the cards your dealt you just have to DEAL with it!
Getting back to Mr. Houdini, I will have to make a call to the police department, a gentleman started a program for people with alzheimer's bracelets with a bar code or something on it that will have all of the person's information on it should they become lost and someone finds them.

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