Saturday, March 7, 2009

The choice and what is

Yes I'm on my mission again today about choices. This subject has worn on me a lot lately, but mostly yesterday on information or should I say taking in information. My dad as you know has dementia or what ever his doctor has written down on paper. Since this disease is so complex and confusing it is worth it to sometimes look at books, online resources and come up with answers for some behaviours. My father seems to be more pre-occupied with sex these days than usual and sometimes the moments he chooses and where are not the most appropriate. But what about dementia is appropriate, I mean if you read books on the subject it is called brain damage or changes in the brain as some doctors like to put it. Regardless, the book tells me his behaviours are normal albeit inappropriate to say the least. The light bulb comes on and through reading I discover the best way to help this situation for all is to do the opposite of what I did. I tried to scold him like a child, I apologized for the changes he's had to endure living together, apologized for the fact his wife is not interested in sex, but due to my sanity he had to keep it together. I suck sometimes. Hoping that he's forgotten my assholeidness and not prove catastrophic like the book explains could happen resulting in my actions. My new way is to pretend the behaviour does not exist and as long as he is safe I can just remove myself from his presence or possibly attempt to give him something else to do, (yeah right). So in thinking that I could get additional information based on the fact Alzheimer's is in the name of the website, I travel to the message board in hopes of new and more up to date knowledge. What I find is a bunch of depressed people who only made me depressed and I then choose to not visit that area of the website in the future. I think sometimes it's cathartic to bitch and moan but at the same time you have people who blah, blah, blah I feel so sorry and bad for you, I hope things will get better, maybe you need to change your living situation, blah, blah, blah. Choices, too many negative ones. Put him in a nursing home, how much can you tolerate, you should hear the negativity it's like being on a sinking ship. I feel sorry for the girl who's post got like 30 replies, it's nice people care and all but laugh a little, this is life people. I read a quote that went something like this, "happiness is the dirt beneath your feet". To me that means be happy NOW not later, there is no later, have fun now not tomorrow, be your best now, live for today, my favourite other quote, "Love a person like you could lose them tomorrow. Choices, we have so many. Why not choose to be happy, when I'm sad I feel like I have a hundred pound sack on my back and my legs have 50 lbs weights attached to each. Some days it takes me a little talking to, to get me there but it gets easier the more you make that choice. Believe me, if I can be here and for the 90% part be happy any one can.

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