Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Before I forget (pic of Angelina too!)

Backing it up a few weeks, July 21st to be exact. Mom has a melanoma the size of a quarter which is around a centimeter, the plastic surgeon has to make sure he get's all of it by taking 3 centimeter's the size of a small orange cut in half. We get through surgery, Dad doesn't know because I want him to be ok and let mom sleep and he get some too. Bring mom home she's in a wheelchair, remember dad is in a wheelchair/walker a good percentage each. I had our caretaker Mary still come by on this Monday to help with dad, so that I can take care of mom. Thank God for my husband Ron he reminds me to be patient all the while in the next coming weeks, he helps more than he ever knows. Later that evening Dad comes in for dinner and says, "Hi Mama" and doesn't mention Mom in a wheel chair the entire evening even though they are sitting less than 3 feet away. Dad goes to bed his usual time 8pm says good night to mom and off he goes. Remember my dad has dementia/Alzheimer's. My son just happened to move out approx 1 week before mom's diagnosis, Ron, Josh and I clean out his room and get it ready for Mom. We order a hospital bed, wheel chair and get a new tv and the basics lamp, etc to make her comfortable. So mom is now situated for the night with pain killer, anti nausea and antibiotics it's 11:30 I'm sleepy so off to bed I go. Ron and I are in cuddle mode discussing the day, when the motion sensor goes off in dad's hallway. I go down the stairs and dad has a confused look on his face, so I ask him if he's ok? "Why is Mama in a wheel chair?" , he asks. I tell him about the surgery and why and so he starts to turn around, he walks a few feet towards his room and then turns around again and asks me with sad eyes and tears streaming down his face, "I was no good to her, it's my fault, I was no good to her". So I tell him let's go and see Mom and go and sit with her, he doesn't want to but I make him. So in her room he goes with a t shirt and depends and socks on into Moms temp/room and they watch Sex in the City and Reno 911 till 1 am. Dad cries when he see's her but she's all doped up but she consoles him anyway and tells him she is ok and asks dad, "Do you want me to kick the doctor in the balls?" The end of August, Mom get's released from the plastic surgeon and back (for the most part) she is back to her old wanna go everywhere self again. And each day I thank God that she is exactly that way.

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