Friday, April 25, 2008


consciousness the word has a lot of meaning- being aware of your actions before they happen or as they are happening, could you be conscious of your actions before they happen? You can. Choices there are lots you can choose to be happier, healthier, positive, active, compassionate, caring, loving, stronger and an OUTSTANDING HUMAN BEING? YES YOU CAN! Looking at things, objects, relationships, actions, myself in a different light, like on the Seinfeld episode where Jerry is dating a woman who looks different in darker light the same can be said for everything. You could look at things as bad, depressing, negatively draining and I believe get yourself sick physically or even mentally. But what if you challenged your way of thinking and looked at negative actions, words or happenings as a test or a lesson of some kind? What if every negative thing you challenged in the same light? Would you just be a nut and go crazy or would you begin to see more positive in your life and less negative? I often think about how my parents raised me and used to get frustrated because I was raised to believe through my parents upbringing that life was a bed of roses, death was sad, ignore it, go shopping instead of feeling blue, you must be constipated if your being nasty, marriage is forever and bliss. But now I realize that being sheltered wasn't so bad because now I know the meaning behind their actions. It was, life is what you make of it and a bed of roses can be what makes you happy even if for someone else it's not. Death is sad but you can't ignore it you can give it it's own place and deal with it alone because you came into this world alone and leave it alone you shall too. And feeling blue? Go shopping! It's conditioning yourself to get up off your depressed ass and do something conducive to your family! Being nasty, ignoring the action or words of your loved ones because at the center of the true self you are pure and a worthy human being! Marriage it's work, but sometimes you find someone who works along with you and sometimes you don't. So ask me if my parents were to blame for "things" that happened in my life or my outlook? I will tell you yes in a very, very, good way!

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