Thursday, July 14, 2011

This guy~

Unpredictable this disease is, one moment your here the next your not.  One moment your daughter is joking with you asking what kind of chinese food he wants and his reply, "up your ass" - the next minute he's trying to put his feet on the back of the bench seats in the van with his seatbelt connected and almost completely on the van floor!
Note to those with family members, 
I constantly assure my dad he's alright and ok, sometimes they (with the disease) get upset and very frusterated with everything and I mean everything from talking to walking and God forbid you ask them while they are trying to consentrate on something because this makes them mad.  When my dad tries to speak and can't get the words out, I always tell him it's ok and wait till he gets a word or hits or pats me on the back and assure them everything is ok.  Even tho it's not, even tho they might be walking around with a depends full of you know what and are attempting to leave the house naked, ALWAYS gently remind them it's ok.  Just because they can't or don't communicate well doesn't mean they don't feel YOUR frusteration, anger, whatever with the disease.  Remember they are suffering, struggling with everything around them every time they open their eyes.  They are asking who is this person? Remind them.  Why am I walking around the house at 3am with no clothes on? Tell them thank you for checking on me that I came home and ask them, "do you want me to go to bed, now?" GIVE THEM A REASON FOR DOING WHAT THEY ARE DOING, BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHY THEY ARE DOING IT! This reasures and comforts them.  It's like you know when you walk in a room and you forget why your there, come on we've all done that.  Now imagine that you do that with everything, "Why am I looking at the tv, why is that person helping me? what is that food or thing in front of me? what am I supposed to do with that? Then there is the imaginary things that at times during this disease that pop up: Seeing my dad in the kitchen with a butcher knife going to protect my mom from the Afganies? Seeing kittens jump out of boots, seeing people that are'nt there- to be continued.....

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