Wednesday, July 13, 2011

every day and there are 365 a year....etc. etc.......

Appreciate all the moments you are given, there is a no refund policy in effect..... Me

Ok so I'm a person with a lot of interests, I'm interested in art, music, other countries, our own economy the many wars we get ourselves into, awareness of things that I like to expose others to, the outdoors, animals, I also am attentionally deficit at times and feel lost with all things that pop into my head.  Like why don't I blog more, too busy living.  I like to watch others and say nothing and then sometimes I do and it's all wrong. I'm human and I have a lot of work to do.  I care about a lot and do nothing about it, makes you feel "help-less" sometimes~ I want to be a better me before I look back and say OOPS! That would be bad, but for the most part I don't see that.  God grant me the serenity to change what I can and accept that which I can not change and the wisdom to know the difference.

Feeling great lately not physically (but I'm working on that one, started exercising again) mentally I feel paings at my heart missing my mom and missing my dad who is here but not the same.  I am sad he misses my mom at the same time I look at that all together differently because it is an honor to do so.  Grieving for another is our God given right as humans, elephants do it do (look it up, if you don't believe me) I am not in pain I am in acceptance.  I regret not having enough of me to have been around more for my grand daughter Angelina.  This brings great pain in my heart.  When I do have her to myself I treasure her presence deeply.  I have my limits, I have to.

My advice for the day~look into the future who do you not see?
Take it how ever you wish..................

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