Tuesday, December 30, 2008


There are times when we battle our differences and then there are the holidays. I am thankful for this because in doing so you are able to let things just be for a few days and enjoy the true meaning. Being related can help sometimes, marriage, neighbors or even people in the grocery store, all attempting to reach a common goal. Sometimes we let stress from this or that eat at us till we turn into raging loonies and then we get to our last nerve and decide to let everyone know it. I happen to love gift giving, to me it's like showing appreciation of my love. It probably sounds corny but I could have just watched people open gifts all day Christmas without opening a single one and still would have had the best time. So it's not entirely about the gifts but it's more about appreciating what you have or have had that I believe counts. I feel bad for some people who say they will be happy when or they can't wait for this. I believe it's ok to want but we have to realize one thing, that happiness is here it's right now, this minute and it's in front of your face. We don't need "it" we need "now" for all happiness and I wish this for everyone.

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